Sherese is the Mom of all Moms
After raising 2 beautiful children of her own, we love that Sherese joined our Millie's House family!  She loves to organize and maintain order in everyway. Our toddlers are blessed to have her watching over their every move!

Tara is our right hand!  
She takes the reins when needed in both the office and the classroom. With her 18 years of experience in childcare and 5 years experience as an educator in the public school system, she is willing (and more than able) to help steer the team! 

Cathy’s star shines brightly

Her infectious laugh fills the toddler room with sunshine!  She’s always happy to cuddle with a good book, teach the rules or give a warm hug to those who need it!

Millie is Millie!  
There is no one quite like her!  With almost 30 years of experience in taking care of children (and their parents!), she is thrilled to share the love with the expansion of her home-based daycare into the founding of Millie's House!  She is always hands on and her continued passion shows in everything she does!

Sam is a smooth operator
Miss Sam is moving on up to the toddler room.  Her years of infant room experience have created the foundation for her to excel as a teacher's assistant in toddler room.  Ever calm and loving, she proves you don’t have to be loud to be a rock star!

Handy Hec!
When all the kids are home tucked in their beds, Handy Hec makes an appearance. He helps us keep Millies house in tiptop shape!  He quietly does his work and leaves without a trace. Sometimes we leave him treats.... But only if he does a trick!